Celebration Ideas for Pets

As more and more households expand to include dogs, cats and other popular pets, it becomes increasingly ordinary to celebrate your furry friend's birthday.  What was once regarded as an eccentricity or frivolity is now pretty commonplace - and while our pets may not realise why we're making a fuss of them, it certainly seems that they appreciate it.  However, it's not always easy to come up with fun gifts for your pet's birthday.  They can't exactly ask for what they want - and they already seem to have a thousand toys.  What are the alternatives, then?  Well, here are a few simple ideas to get you started.

A Home Grooming Session

Everybody loves to be pampered - and dogs especially are no exception.  While some cats may bristle at the thought of being primped and preened by a stranger, many dogs would like nothing more.  Hiring a mobile groomer to come to the house means that neither you nor your pooch needs to leave the comfort of your home.  Of course, they'll look great afterwards too!  You can even have their nails clipped at the same time.  Who knows?  They might enjoy it so much that it becomes a regular occurrence.

Carnivorous Cakes

It may feel a little unkind to exclude our pets from the tradition of birthday cakes, but they aren't really suited for our pets' diets.  Nobody would want to make their pet ill.  Instead, then, why not make a 'cake' out of treats that your pet does enjoy?  Meat is quite nice to stick candles into, and so are raw veggies - just make sure you pull them back out again before handing them over to your pet!

Paw Party

If your pet is the social type, then why not invite some of your friends and their pets over for a real get-together?  Children will love having so many pets in the same room.  Of course, careful supervision may be required if some are a little timider than others, and species should not be mixed for the safety and comfort of all the animals.  If these conditions can be met, however, then your pet will relish making new friends and being the centre of all the human attention.  It's fun for the family, too!

That's the key, really - that celebrating your pet's birthday is just as much fun for the rest of the family as it is for them.  They'll love any affection you lavish on them, even if they don't understand.  And isn't that what it's all about?
